FAQ About Chino Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship

If I can't attend in person, how can I contribute financially to the Church?

Our mailing address is: Chino SDA, P.O. Box 1751, Chino, CA 91710. Checks can be made out to Chino SDA. If you would like some offering envelopes, please just let us know.

Who are the staff at the Chino Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship?

The pastor is Stirling Berry. Our elders are Michael Perchez and Adrian Clansy. Michael Perchez is also our treasurer.

Have you resumed having indoor services?

Yes, we resumed indoor services when we were given the go ahead by the Southern California Conference in March of 2021.

Do I have to 'dress up' to come to Church?

No, our motto is 'come as you are; leave inspired and encouraged'.

How can I become a member of the Church?

You can join by baptism or profession of faith. We have a 10 part baptism preparation series here on the website that covers all of the major subjects of the Bible. If you have any questions or would like personal Bible studies, please just let us know.

What is unique about the Chino Seventh-day Adventist Fellowship?

We try to be intentional about sharing the Good News of God's everlasting love and His everlasting Gospel week in and week out. Our focus is on keeping Jesus and His Good News Gospel message as the center of everything about our Fellowship.

What if I have a prayer request?

Please just let us know. We would count it a privilege to join you in praying for your requests.

FAQ About Seventh-day Adventist Theology

FAQ About Biblical Terms